Thursday, June 1, 2017

Another Way

We tend to view life through a distorted lens based on thoughts about our experiences. Reframing can help us see reality in a different and more positive way. Do you know anyone whose outlook sometimes creates problems? How might that person change his/her orientation to have a more positive view?

You fear thinking of the past,
Of people who hurt you,
Afraid of the anger that arises;
So you build more walls.
There is another way to live.
The hurt and anger can be healed.
Energy is as real as things.
While it may not be easy,
Forgiveness is a reality
That we can create.

I feel sad for your loneliness,
Needing people to be present
To experience love.
There is another way to live.
While I love hugs
And the deliciousness
Of being physically present,
Just thinking of loved ones,
I feel the love.
Energy is as real as things.
Love is a reality
That we can receive and create.

But not able to feel love
All the way to your core,
No amount is ever enough.
Melt the shell around your heart
And the warmth can come through.
Energy is as real as things.
Love is a reality
That we can receive and create.

When open to the flow of love,
We more easily are present to
And attract it from the world. 
There is no scarcity.
Love is everywhere.
The gay man at the memorial
Sharing deeply from his heart
His losses and grief.
Sweet conversation and connection
With the Persian woman at the spa.
Same with the mountain man,
Delivering my fire wood,
Sharing his hopes and dreams
And hugging at the end of our work together.
These new connections are fuel for my fire
As are the stable ongoing nurturing connections
With those who are chosen family.
An hour talking on the phone with my daughter,
The current deep and strong.
Even the delight of my purring cat;
All these and the thoughts of these warm my being.

This of which I speak –
I’m not always there.
But energy is as real as things.
Love is a reality
That we can receive and create.
There are times when I experience
The blissful luxury
Of drinking it,
Soaking in it,
Swimming in it.
Let’s co-create an ocean of love.

Bibi Caspari © 1/26/16

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